Therapy can mean many things. Fundamentally, it’s talk therapy that is aimed at helping people resolve internal struggles, relationship difficulties, and external stressors (e.g., work stressors). The purpose of therapy is not only to alleviate distress, but also to help individuals learn what steps they need to take to lead more fulfilling and empowered lives. There are many different therapeutic approaches, and the ones that I practise include: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy with an emphasis on identifying and changing unhelpful thoughts and core beliefs about ourselves, Self-Compassion, and Emotion-Focused Therapy for couples (EFT-C).

With individuals, the first 1-2 sessions are focused on assessment – where the focus is on obtaining a broad snapshot of various aspects of your life and then funneling the information down to a specific focus, in line with your goals for therapy. With couples, the assessment is about 4 sessions, 2 with the couple, and an individual session with each partner. After the assessment, we develop a treatment plan together, and then we’ll begin therapy to help you towards your goals.

Sex therapy is a specialized kind of psychotherapy aimed at addressing difficulties with sexual functioning difficulties, sexual and gender identity, and sexual intimacy between partners. It is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of issues, including but not limited to: difficulties with arousal, orgasm, and desire; problematic sexual behaviour/hypersexuality; LGBTQ2SIA+ health; and relationship issues such as improving communication, managing mismatched desire levels, navigating open relationships, and healing from infidelity and betrayal.

Sex therapy is strictly talk therapy, and must not involve touch of any kind. Because sexual concerns are multidimensional often involving physical and medical components, referrals can be made to a pelvic floor physiotherapist or a medical specialist for a physical exam to rule out or treat medical concerns that could be affecting sexual functioning. When I make referrals, I also arrange to coordinate care with other providers in your circle of care to ensure that we are all on the same page, and that you get the best treatment possible. You can read more about my approach as a sex therapist here: Sex Therapy

The simple answer is:  it depends. It depends on what the presenting concerns are, your goals, the kind of support you are looking (e.g., supportive versus change-oriented), and what resources you have. This is something we will figure out together, and early on in our work together. 

Some clients come to see me to get questions answered, in which, a couple of sessions typically suffice. Some individuals and couples struggling with complex issues or chronic stressors that would require more long-term support and care. 

Every extended benefits plan is different, and find out if your coverage includes services offered by a Registered Psychologist. 

Yes, absolutely! The breadth and depth of my education, training, and expertise certainly make this possible. Some of the other problems that I work with include: 

  • Anxiety
  • Depression or low mood
  • Relationship conflict
  • Stress
  • Trauma

I offer limited sliding scale spots, and regrettably, these are all full. 

In the service of ensuring collective safety during these remarkable times, I am only offering virtual appointments at this time. My office at 36 Madison is TTC accessible, and situated close to both the Spadina and St. George stations. 

Regrettably, the office is not wheelchair accessible. For those who may have issues with mobility, please note that you will need to take two flights of stairs to get to my office. I would be happy to discuss virtual appointments with you.